Just Friends takes caring for your loved one seriously. Every year we are evaluated by the State of Indiana Division of Aging, Indiana Veteran’s Administration, and The Older American’s Act. Just  Friends is also a United Way of Bartholomew County Partner Agency and was recently awarded the Guidestar Gold Star Seal of Transparency.

State of Indiana Provider for Medicaid Waiver

Just Friends is certified to provide programs to all individuals who qualify for Medicaid Waiver Home and Community Based Services (low – high level of assistance). This is an intensive yearlong process. The Indiana Family and Social Security Administration’s Division of Aging reassesses every 3 years and conducts site visits. 

Veterans Administration Extended Care Benefits

Just Friends is certified as an Extended Care Provider through the VA. The VA conducts rigorous annual unannounced on-site visitsThe VA speaks to all Veterans attending our program at least twice a year – once while they visit on site and again over the phone. The Veteran’s Administration found no deficiencies in 2019 when they visited and called us a “model center.”  

Older American’s Act Funding

Thrive Alliance, the local Area Agency on Aging, disburses Title III-B and E, and CHOICE funding to agencies that help older adults. They perform an annual site visit and survey. 
