PREMIER DONOR: $5,000 - $9,999

BENEFACTOR DONOR: $2,500 - $4,999

GUARDIAN DONOR: $1,000 - $2,499

James & Patricia Angel
Columbus Regional Health
Cummins Business Systems
Bob & Nancy Dunaway
     In Honor of Just Friends Staff
First United Methodist Church
Trica Foster’s Birthday Fundraiser

Four Seasons Chapel Committee
Gary & Carole Goshorn
Jean Griswold Foundation
Gary & Robin Hilber
     In Memory of Cathryn Vogt
Ray Keller
Terie & Frank McDonald

Rick & Brenda Merkel
Susan Pickens
Judy & Greg Summerville
Debbie & Mark Teike
David & Lisa Zobrist
Jayme Zobrist’s Fundraiser

Herb & Judith Albert
David Baldwin
Bill & Catherine Burr
Miriam Byers
Barbara Campbell
     In Memory of Ed Campbell
Marilyn Clerc’s Birthday Fundraiser
Columbus Indiana Accueil
Nancy Conner
     In Honor of the Goshorns
Grace Coyner
Forest & Marsha Daugherty
Robert DeDomenic
Melody DeVoe
Deborah B. Divan
Jean Donica
John & Louise Dorenbusch
David Doup
Kenneth Dunn
Ed & Vivian Eckerly
Col. Robert & Judy Edgell
First Lutheran Church
Sherman & Jacquie Franz
Marybeth Glick

Golden Kiwanis
Nick Grams
Drs. Dale & Linda Guse
Jason Guthrie
Geri Handley & Jesse Brand
Betty Harrison
Richard & JoAnn Hendrickson
Doris Jones
Jonesville Golf Group
Just Friends Board
     In Memory of Margaret Powers’ Father
Cassandra Kuczmanski
Thomas & Marilyn Lentz
Betty Lowery
     In Honor of Robin Hilber
Ellen Macy
Marilyn & Bill Martin
Dr. Karl & Kathryn McAleese
Duane & Lora McCain
Don Michael
Moose Lodge #398
Phillip Newton
Steve Newton
Paul & Sandy Nolting

Bob & Judy Pitman
     In Memory of Alice Purtlebaugh & John DeLap
Repp Association Foundation
Judith Richardson
Mona Safely
     In Honor of Peggye Simpson
John Sandlin’s Birthday
Margaret Cummins Schaefer
Karen Schmerin
Michael & Denise Schoumacher
Joseph Sheehy
Albert Sisson
Beth Smith
Jeanne Starr
Victor Thompson
Patricia Valencia
Garry & Pam Vreeland
     In Memory of Sharon West
Steve & Brenda Wakefield
Maxine Wheeler
John Woods
John & Pat Ziegler

Yvonne Achterberg
Larry & Judy Alexander
Larry Baack
Joann Baker
Tommy Barnett
Kathie Bates
Ed Boone
     In Memory of Jack Stone
Arliss Boren
     In Memory of Cindy Upton
Kay Bowen & Bert Bishop
Loretta Burd
Dolores Burgeson
Cross Span Group
David Crossman
John DeLap & Tracy Hosterman
Jane Dillon
Britian & Jen Dunaway
Ruth Dwyer
Pat Evans
Greg Fischer
Chris Forbes
     In Memory of Linda Penrice’s  Mother
Tricia Foster
Four Seasons Retirement Center
Mary Glasson
Kenny & June Gray
     In Memory of Cindy Upton
Mark & Anne Harper
Don & Lucy Harvey

Betty Hilycord
     In Memory of Howard Mize
Leah Hooker
Judy Johnson
Ray Jones
Just Friends Staff
Kids and Kettles Home Ec Club
     In Memory of Reinold Von Fange
Meena Maharjan
Ken & Beverly McDermott
Daryl McMath
Patricia & William McKale
     In Memory of Jessie Tanner
Margaret Meadors
Kris Medic
Kristin Munn
     In Honor of Lori Cash
Leroy Nelson
Tara & Adam Ott
Ronald & Charlotte Pardeick
     In Memory of Reinold Von Fange
John & Peg Parke
Jack Piercefield
Mark Pillar
Dr. Kevin Preuss & Dr. Lisa Duret
Donna Richardson
William Rumsey
Connie Salyer
Delores Schatteman

Colin & Linda Scheidt
     In Memory of Joan Scheidt
Susan Schindel-Box
Albert Schumaker
John & Helen Sharpnack
Shirley Sinex
Donna Stanley
Rebecca Stenner
Beverly Stout
     In Memory of Reinold Von Fange
David Swank
     In Honor of Marilyn Clerc’s Birthday
Sally Thompson
Torch Bearers Chapter of
Beta Sigma Phi
Betty Tuttle
Charles Vanatta
Patrick Ward
Betty Welch
Warren & Lynn Whaley
Edith A. Willmore
Karl Wolff
Dan & Kasey Wright
     In Memory of Rose Schafstall
Marian Wyke
Dr. Yuko Yamato
Celeste & Tom Yonushonis
Jayme Zobrist & Tim Dunaway

Cathleen & Bill Burr
Melody DeVoe
Larry Baack
Tommy Barnett
Kathie Bates
Kay Bowen & Bert Bishop
Cross Span Group
Jane Dillon
Ruth Dwyer
Pat Evans
Greg Fischer

Four Seasons Retirement Center
Margaret Meadors
Kris Medic
William Rumsey
Delores Schatteman
Donna Stanley
Sally Thompson
Betty Tuttle
Tom Vickers
Betty Welch
Marian Wyke